Bachelor’s Degree in Church Planting

The Bachelor’s Degree in Church Planting is a specialized program designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and spiritual foundation necessary to establish and lead new churches or ministries. This degree combines biblical and theological studies, practical training, leadership principles, evangelism strategies, and spiritual formation to prepare graduates for careers as church planters, ministry leaders, missions coordinators, or further educational pursuits.


What Will You Learn in Our Church Planting Master’s Degree?

Throughout your church planting degree, you will take a variety of courses that cover topics like small group ministries, contemporary evangelism, the Old and New Testaments, and theology. In addition, you will complete an internship so that you can apply what you have learned in the classroom to practical challenges in surrounding communities.

In courses like contemporary evangelism, you will study topics such as biblical perspectives of evangelism, evangelism in today’s world, and the heart of servant leadership. In addition, you will take courses that dive into sermon preparation. With training like this, you can prepare to pastor the church that you plant or train those who will be leading the church. Through your theology and research courses, you will combine research (the essence of scholarship) with theology (the study of God).

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