Spiritual Development

JBCU is committed to fostering spiritual formation among students that produces lifelong spiritual growth and character development. Students are encouraged to develop their understanding of biblical faith, increase their desire to know and serve God, and develop personal integrity and character by applying biblical values to their lives. Chapel and local church participation is emphasized because worship is an important element in the university’s strategy for spiritual formation.

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Academic Performance

JBCU Is A University Devoted, Under God, To The Pursuit Of Truth Through The Use Of The Mind. Students, Therefore, Are Encouraged To Bring Their Minds In Submission To Christ And Fulfill Their Responsibilities As Stewards, And Work For The Integration Of Thinking And Learning In The Framework Of A Christian Worldview. Students Are Encouraged To Develop Their Minds And Intellects In The Pursuit Of Knowing Christ And His Creation, And Seeking God’s Direction As They Choose A Vocation Or Career Path.

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Pentecostal Account

JBCU Is Committed To An Environment That Encourages Students To Experience Spirit Encounter According To Pentecostal Theology To Obtain Additional Power For Witness, Personal Edification Through Speaking In Tongues In Private Prayer, And Additional Enablement Through Spiritual Gifts, While Continually Pursuing Spiritual Formation And A Spirit-Formed Character. The University Also Encourages The Operation Of The Gifts Of The Spirit In Worship Services According To The Scriptural Directive.

Spreading The Gospel And Assignment

We Are A Community Of Individuals Redeemed From Sin By The Death And Resurrection Of Jesus Christ, And Transformed By The Power Of The Holy Spirit. We Affirm He Died For The Whole World And Commissions Each Believer To Take The Gospel Into The World. We Commit Ourselves To The Priority Of Personal Evangelism And World Missions.

Spiritual Development

We Value Serving Through The Fundamental Church Community And Thus Acknowledge That The Church Is God's Instrument In Reaching The World, Both Locally And Globally, With The Gospel Of Christ.

Training For Life And Ministry

We Believe Training For Life And Ministry Is Primarily The Responsibility Of The Church. Local Churches Are The Primary Context For Developing Christian Convictions, Character And Competence.The JBCU Is Therefore A Servant Of The Church, Committed To Helping Churches Equip People For Godly Living And For A Broad Range Of Church And Kingdom Ministries. Our Training Supplements Rather Than Replaces The Training Of The Local Church, And So We Will Always Encourage Students To Remain Strongly Involved In Church Community And Ministry.